Ceremony (Jun 1967, Jul 10, 1967) including an audio recording relating to Northern Cheyenne Sun Dance, Lame Deer, Montana.
- Cheyenne words by Clarence (Jelly) Seminole in June (0-35)
- Part of a Sun Dance song during the last paint (40-60)
- Counting coup, drumming, give-away, crowd noise (61-145)
- Drumming into a song and Maack's comments (146-216)
- Rattling by drummers, Maack's comments, beginning of a Sun Dance song (217-276)
- Maack's comments, singing and drumming (277-365)
- Counts coup, drums, crowd noise, Maack's comments, comments over the loudspeaker (366-447)
- Sun Dance song (448-540)
- Maack's comments and another song (541-616)
- Crowd noise (617-662)
- Song by two drummers (663-675)
- Counting coup and drum pounding (676-690)
- Crowd noise (691-720)
- Announcement in Cheyenne over the loudspeaker (721-730)
- Crowd noise, Maack's comments, talk in Cheyenne over loudspeaker (731-845)
- Sun Dance song and Maack's comments (846-900, 901-935)
- Last bit of dancing (936-1030)
- Speech in English by a Sioux about Walter Locher, a Northern Cheyenne killed in Vietnam (1031-1090)
- Maack's comments, announcements (1091-1105)
- Flag song (1105-1171)
- Maack's comments on the removal of sacred paint from Mark Elkshoulder and Daniel Foote (1172-1203)