Circle Dance Songs and Farewell Songs


Music and interview with Dan Hanna and Supai Shorty (Aug 3-4, 1965) and music by Henry Hanna and Dan Hanna (Aug 25, 1965) including an audio recording, transcript and notes relating to Circle Dance and Farewell songs. This file also includes a discussion on the White Horse Song (side 1).

This file contains material on 16 songs:

SIDE 1: 1–5. Circle Dance songs; Circle Dance songs (6. /eniyakina:/, 7. /misaka dú:/, 8. masí: wím/, 9. /ya ne: kiyamisáye/);

SIDE 2: 1. Farewell songs; 2–6. Circle Dance songs (same as Supai Shorty); 7. /mitókabámeychéi/ (sung by Duke on another tape).

Other related transcript files:

  • 1502032_box26_hinton-notes-1_medicineSongs-curing_transcript_part2.pdf (page 10)
  • 1502032_box26_hinton-notes-2_circleDanceSongs_transcript_part1.pdf (page 22)
  • 1502032_box26_hinton-notes-2_circleDanceSongs_transcript_part2.pdf (page 1)
  • 1502032_box26_hinton-notes-2_circleDanceSongs_transcript_part3.pdf (page 5)
  • 1502032_box26_hinton-notes-3_songTypes_transcript.pdf (page 9)
  • 1502032_box26_hinton-notes-4_variation_transcript.pdf (page 2–8)