Notebook primarily related to the Alaska Federation of Natives (A.F.N.) (Oct 9, 1967–Jan 6, 1968) including notes by field worker, A.M. Ervin regarding various interviews and conversations with AFN leaders, community members, college students, and other organizations. This notebook was organized by Alaska cities: Bethel, Fairbanks, Anchorage, and Emmonak.
[Please note content warning of racial slurs within this file.]
Index by Section:
1. Bethel: 1967 (6 pages)
Includes listing of names with notes on local leadership bodies: Fairbanks Native Association (F.N.A.); Cook Inlet Native Association; Alaska Federation of Natives (Anchorage); Artic Slope Native Association (Barrow); Kuskokwim(?) Valley Native Association; Tanana Chiefs Conference; Kodiak Native Association; Northwest Native Association; Yukon-Kuskokwim Development Council; Council of Village(?) Presidents and Alaska Native Brotherhood.
(PDF: 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part01-bethel.pdf)
2. Fairbanks: 1967–68 (195 pages)
2a. Pages 1-20 (Oct 9, 1967 – Oct 13, 1967):
List of informants and notes regarding settlement patterns; organizations; Indigenous students at U of A and their experiences; ethnic identity; race relations; Fairbanks Native Association; Community Action Center; O.E.O.; B.I.A.; Athabaskans and migration.
(PDF: 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part02-fairbanks.pdf)
2b. Pages 21-44 (Oct 13, 1967 – Oct 19, 1967):
Interviews and notes regarding Anchorage; Native hospital; Ethnohistorical relationship of Athabaskans and NW Tlingit; young Indigenous people; education; interview with manager of Steel's Hotel; race relations; interview with Amy on urbanization; conversation with Katie Ogcewik(?) on education, village politics, role of women, Fairbanks Native Organization; interview with R. Perdue on F.N.A., education, politics; F.N.A.; ethnic identity; family; alcohol; B.I.A.; employment; interview with Hal Beals on employment and cost of living.
(PDFs: 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part02-fairbanks.pdf; 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part03-fairbanks.pdf)
2c. Pages 45-65 (Oct 19, 1967 – Oct 25, 1967):
Interviews and notes regarding interview with Father Warren; alcohol; success vs. difficulty adjusting; interview with Nettie Peratrovich on F.N.A.; interview with Hannah and Marto Solomon on leaving Fort Yukon, trapping, recreation, housing, F.N.A., land claims, community council; Tundra Times; migration; airlines; A.F.N.; interview with Rose on her life; interview with Pat Afcan and Anna on THEATA, ethnic relations and interview with Rhoda Foreland (secretary of F.N.A.).
(PDFs: 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part03-fairbanks.pdf; 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part04-fairbanks.pdf)
2d. Pages 66-87 (Oct 29, 1967 – Oct 31, 1967):
Interviews and notes regarding interview with Richard Frank on his life, land claims, F.N.A., political activities, education, A.F.N., housing in town and villages; alcohol; race; Native Brotherhood; F.N.A.; politics; discrimination and employment.
(PDFs: 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part04-fairbanks.pdf; 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part05-fairbanks.pdf)
2e. Pages 88-108 (Nov 1, 1967 – Nov 6, 1967):
Interviews and notes regarding interview with Dr. Irving; interview with Martin B. Moore on employment, crafts, fishing; conversation with Katie Beals on A.F.N.; interview with Phyllis Dickson on land claims; interview with Pat Afcan on student issues and conversation with Reva Wolf; conversation with a 25-year-old from near the Canadian border on army service; interview with Bernard Hunt; interview with Alice Amgostrom on Native students, THEATA (Tlingit, Haida, Eskimo, Aleut, Tshimishim(?), Athabaskan) and informants.
(PDFs: 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part04-fairbanks.pdf; 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part05-fairbanks.pdf; 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part06-fairbanks.pdf)
2f. Pages 109–135 (Nov 6, 1967 – Nov 10, 1967):
Interviews and notes regarding conversations with Pat Afcan on travel and Alaska; interview with Dr. Loeyns on Indigenous students at university, marginality, state-wide conditions, Tundra Times, Native Power, land claims, Kuskokwim(?) Valley Association; assimilation; interview with Martin Moore on attitudes towards change; Pat's theory on Native origins and development; conversations with Martin Moore on his life, societal change, village of Emmowok, myths and games, ethnobotany; interview with John Riley on girls, urban living, trapping and alcohol.
(PDFs: 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part06-fairbanks.pdf; 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part07-fairbanks.pdf)
2g. Pages 136-157 (Nov 13, 1967 - Nov 29, 1967):
Interviews and notes regarding conversation with Reva Wolf on her life; F.N.A. meeting; I.T.U.; A.F.N.; conversation with Pat Afcan on drug use; interview with Alice Angotrom on her life; Artic slope history; state and national politics; Howard Rock; B.I.A.; white support; pride; A.F.N.; interview with Reva Wolf on Bethel, drop-outs, community engagement; THEATA; Native counseling; history of Native organizations; Tundra Times and land claims.
(PDFs: 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part07-fairbanks.pdf; 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part08-fairbanks.pdf)
2h. Pages 158-185 (Nov 30, 1967 - Dec 8, 1967):
Interviews with Wally Olson on THEATA, double standard on Indigenous peoples; with Reva Wulf on drop-outs, THEATA; with Phil Kelley (Aluet senior at University of Fairbanks) on politics, Indigenous activism, THEATA, education; interview with Tim Brandon (white journalist) and Phil Kelley on history of Indigenous organizations (Barrow Improvement Council founded by Charlie Edwardson and Hugh Nichols and the Artic Slope Association), North Slope, Tundra Times (founding, history, concerns about it moving to Anchorage); with Mike Brandon on state and national politics; with Hugh Fate on state and town economy; with Ralph Perdue on Tawana Chiefs, F.N.A., land claims; and with Father Convert on his life, Indigenous leadership, Indigenous students at university, B.I.A. and unionization of Western Natives.
(PDFs: 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part08-fairbanks.pdf; 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part09-fairbanks.pdf)
2i. Pages 186-195 (Dec 8, 1967 - Dec 10, 1967)
Interviews and conversations with Dr. Loyens on politics, land claims, A.N.B.; "Sound Off" at the University on Native Land Claims (demonstration/presentation led by Phil Kelley in support of Indigenous land claims); F.N.A. land claim proposal; with Howard Rock at Tundra Times; with Hal and Katie Beals on A.F.N., young people; with Howard Rock on politics and birth control.
(PDF: 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part09-fairbanks.pdf)
3. Anchorage: Dec 13, 1967 - Dec 21, 1967 (22 pages)
Interviews with Emil Notti (President of the Alaskan Federation of Natives, at Fairbanks) on A.F.N., formation of a new Aleut organization, The Alaska Peninsula Native Association (spanning from Port Moller to Pilot Point), operations, financial difficulties, leadership, regional associations, land claims, education, discrimination, employment, unemployment insurance on the Kenai Peninsula, finances, housing and sanitation; with Ray Christianson in Bethel on legislation, Kuskokwim(?) Valley Native Association; with Archie Watson (President of the K.V.N.A.) in Bethel on founding, A.F.N., land claims, Bethel; and with John Riley in Bethel on relocation training, alcohol and family.
(PDF: 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part10-anchorage.pdf)
4. Emmonak: Dec 18, 1967 - Jan 6, 1968 (32 pages)
Interviews and notes regarding interview with Axel Johnson on his life, village presidents, A.F.N., village factions; Village Council of Emmonak meetings; gift giving ceremony; interview with William Trainer on employment; interview with Nick Francis on education; development of Indigenous organizations in Alaska; interview with Wally Olson on Tanana Chiefs; interview with Pascal Afcan on Ervin's recordings; conversation with Phil Kelley and John Avinganya (Indigenous university students) in S.U.B. on women, relationships, THEATA and organizing on land claim issues, culture challenges of Indigenous students on campus; interview with Tom Snapp (editor of Jenson's Daily), newspaper’s origins as representative of the Northern Slope and Tanana Chiefs with Aleuts, Tlingit, and Haida’s request for inclusion); and interview with Woody Morrison on youth.
(PDFs: 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part11-emmonak.pdf; 1502032_box10_ervin-fieldNotes_part12-emmonak.pdf)